Overview of Grant Program
A major tool of the District to expand waste reduction and recycling is our Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant Program. Since 1993, the District has awarded more than 1,000 grants totaling over $42 million. The annual District Grant Program provides valuable assistance to local governments, private businesses and not-for-profit organizations in the implementation and expansion of a wide variety of waste reduction and recycling projects.
Funds may be used for a variety of costs associated with a project, from equipment to operating expenses. The District Grant Program provides an excellent opportunity to expand local recycling efforts throughout the region. Any municipality, county, public institution, not-for-profit organization, private business or individual currently operating in the City of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Jefferson County or St. Charles County, or who will be operating in these areas, is eligible to apply. The District encourages the submission of cooperative projects or proposals which address regional or multi-jurisdictional waste reduction and recycling needs.
Funds for the District Grant Program come from a surcharge on waste disposed of in Missouri’s landfills. The Missouri Solid Waste Management Law imposes a $2.11 per ton surcharge on waste disposed of at sanitary and demolition landfills to generate revenue for the Missouri Solid Waste Management Fund. A portion of this fund comes back to the District to be used to award grants for waste reduction, education, recycling, composting, market development and household hazardous waste projects.